In Transylvania County, we value our kids just as much as we value our abundant natural resources and unique cultural opportunties. We applaud their sense of purpose and their right to grow up in a safe, healthy place full of opportunties to contribute.
Teens Advocating for Future Youth
Looking for a way to plug-in, make new friends, and have a great time? Click no further!
Above the Influence
There might come a point when you ask yourself, who am I really? Am I being real? Am I still the kid my parents think I am? And more importantly, who do I want to be? The truth is, you’re a lot of things to a lot of people – you’re interesting like that. You can be one thing online and still be kind of different in person. You can be someone to look up to, and know what it feels like to get rejected. You can be righteous in your decisions and still slip up and make mistakes. But, with so many versions of yourself, it’s easy to forget the one thing that keeps you real – the pure-grade, original first edition of yourself. Learn more about being your own original at AbovetheInfluence.com.School-based Programs
Thanks to all who entered our 2015 Red Ribbon Week Video Contest! Winning entries are below. For more information about how to get involved with the C.A.R.E. Coalition, get in touch with Kristen at [email protected]. View Video Contest Winners below.