In Transylvania County, we value our kids just as much as we value our abundant natural resources and unique cultural opportunities. We embrace their sense of adventure and their right to grow up in a safe, healthy place free of substance abuse and underage drinking.
When we make Transylvania better for our kids, we make it better for everyone.
Join us in keeping our kids as pure and valued as our natural resources and cultural opportunities. Join us in supporting a healthy, vibrant Transylvania County for all of us, but especially for our youth. Take the pledge, or to learn more about how you can make a difference, join us at a coalition meeting or visit our volunteer opportunities page.
Take the Pledge!
“We vow to embrace our kids’ sense of adventure and support their right to grow up in a safe, healthy Transylvania County, free of substance abuse and underage drinking.”
• We connect our kids with Our Transylvania – the waterfalls, the adventure, the arts, the
music, and the natural beauty that exists here.
• We encourage safe risk taking and thrill seeking; determination and grit in prednisone our kids.
• We encourage our kids to live “above the influence.”
• We talk to our kids.
• We spend time with our kids.
• We keep our medications and alcohol out of reach.
• We celebrate responsibly.
• We make our Transylvania a safe place to be a kid.