Parents are the front line of efforts to prevent youth substance abuse. 76% of North Carolina middle to high-school aged youth feel that parents talking to their kids more would decrease their chances of underage drinking. Parents often have more of an impact than they realize. Learn more about how to start the conversation.
In Transylvania County, we want to ensure a substance-free future for our youth. We value our kids just as much as we value our abundant natural resources and unique cultural opportunities. We embrace their right to grow up in a safe, healthy place free of substance abuse and underage drinking. Learn more about the how you can be a part of a drug-free future.
When we make Transylvania County better for our kids, we make it better for everyone. Join us in keeping our kids as pure and valued as our natural resources and cultural opportunities. Join us in supporting a healthy, vibrant Transylvania County for all of us, but especially for our youth. Take the Pledge!
The C.A.R.E. Coalition is a grassroots, community group representing diverse community interests dedicated to reducing substance abuse and misuse in Transylvania County.