It’s easy to get opioids in Transylvania County.

2.6 million pain pills were prescribed in 2016.
2014 2015 2016 NC 2016
Rate of retail opioid prescriptions dispensed per 100 persons 115.8 106.2 98.9 82.5
Opioid pills prescribed per resident n/a 81 78 66.5
Pills are not secured and disposed of properly, making it easy for others to use them.
Percentage of Transylvania County residents who… 2014 2017
  • Lock up their medications.
17.9% 20%
  • Take unused Rx to a safe disposal site.
22% 27.7%

Transylvania County has a high overdose rate.

One overdose is one too many.
Transylvania County NC
Unintentional prednisone poisoning mortality rate per 100,000 population 18.1 13.2
Rate tadalafil of opiate poisoning deaths per 100,000 population 15.1 10.3

With your help, we can save lives.